Reusable Water Bottles vs. Plastic Water Bottles

October 22, 2021

Reusable Water Bottles vs. Plastic Water Bottles

Are you still using plastic water bottles, and feeling guilty about all the waste they produce? Fear not, dear reader! Today we're comparing reusable water bottles with plastic water bottles, and we're here to tell you the facts, not the fiction.

The Environmental Impact

We know you're passionate about saving the environment because it's the only planet we have! So, let's get into the nitty-gritty of how plastic and reusable water bottles impact the environment.

Plastic Water Bottles

The production of plastic water bottles is incredibly energy-intensive, resulting in a high carbon footprint. A total of 476,000 barrels of oil are used each year in the US alone to create plastic water bottles, and this doesn't include the energy used in transportation. However, only 23% of plastic bottles are recycled, leaving the majority of them to end up in landfills, oceans, or other natural habitats, where it may take up to 1,000 years to decompose.

Reusable Water Bottles

On the other hand, reusable water bottles can significantly reduce our carbon footprint as they require less energy to produce and can be used multiple times. Although most reusable water bottles are made of plastic, they are more durable and can be used for years, reducing the number of plastic bottles that end up in landfills.

The Cost

We understand that keeping costs low is always a priority, so let's see how reusable water bottles compare with plastic water bottles when it comes to costs.

Plastic Water Bottles

The cost of plastic water bottles varies widely depending on the brand and quantity. However, the average cost per bottle ranges from $0.2 to $2. With a consumption rate of eight bottles a week, a person could spend anywhere between $83 to $416 annually on bottled water.

Reusable Water Bottles

Reusable water bottles, on the other hand, are a little more expensive upfront. The cost of a reusable bottle ranges between $10 to $50, depending on the brand and style. However, the reusable water bottle pays for itself over time. According to the Pacific Institute, refilling a reusable bottle costs on average $0.09 per gallon, while bottled water costs $1.22 per gallon on average. Thus, a person could save approximately $1,236 annually by switching to reusable water bottles.


When it comes to plastic water bottles vs. reusable water bottles, the latter is a more sustainable and less expensive option in the long run. Reusable water bottles have a lower carbon footprint, are more durable, and will save you money in the long run. By switching to reusable bottles, we can all do our part to reduce plastic waste and help protect our planet!


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